Oh, the places we’ll go! (on Little KidLit Mountain!)

Colourful illustration of an open book filled with children playing and reading and a castle, mountain and unicorn in the background

Before we venture too much further up the mountain, it might be worth discussing what you can expect from me as tour guide?   

Firstly, let me reassure you, the big names of children’s literature have us covered for snacks. We’ve got scones with jam (and lashings of cream, obviously), although I am happy to confirm the tongue sandwiches have been left at home. We’ve got Turkish Delight for sweets, or everlasting gob stoppers if you’d prefer, and there’s a chocolate river just around the bend if anyone’s thirsty. If we’re stuck due to weather on the mountain overnight, green eggs and ham will be available for breakfast.   

Yes, the work of the greats will sustain us as we climb. Which leads me to my next point.   

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I am very far from being a great myself. I am no big name. I’m a teeny-tiny name, if a name at all. I’m just starting out. This being the case, you may be asking what kind of guide I could ever hope to be?  

To this I say, trust the terrain. I do not claim to be a KidLit expert, so much as someone whose life has been enriched KidLit. There is beauty to be found on the Mountain. We’ll explore it together, if you’d like.       

We will celebrate the wonder and beauty and cleverness of books for kids, and the people who make them. There will be book reviews. There will be interviews. We will wave the flag for emerging talent.  

As a debut author, I’ll share my own road to publication, as well as book news, cover reveals, and events. 

I will post on writing craft, and my own writing practice. I’ll chat with writer friends about how they work, and what they find most helpful in their practice.

And, as an unagented author with three books under contract to a major publisher, I have some thoughts and tips and tricks for making inroads into an industry that’s notoriously tough to crack. This is where I’ll share them.   

As you can see, the terrain is varied. There’s plenty to explore. I will post weekly, unless I get carried away by the fresh mountain air.  

But for now, traveller, fair thee well. I’ll meet you back here next week.


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